Monday, October 7, 2019

          Hacking generally refers to unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network. The person engaged in hacking activities is known as a hacker. This hacker may alter system or security features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system.
          Hacking can also refer to non-malicious activities, usually involving unusual or improvised alterations to equipment or processes. To better describe hacking, one needs to first understand hackers. One can easily assume them to be intelligent and highly skilled in computers. In fact, breaking a security system requires more intelligence and expertise than actually creating one. There are no hard and fast rules whereby we can categorize hackers into neat compartments. However, in general computer parlance, we call them white hats, black hats and grey hats. White hat professionals hack to check their own security systems to make it more hack-proof. In most cases, they are part of the same organisation. Black hat hackers hack to take control over the system for personal gains. They can destroy, steal or even prevent authorized users from accessing the system. They do this by finding loopholes and weaknesses in the system. Some computer experts call them crackers instead of hacker.
          Someone who is able to subvert computer security is called hacker. If doing so for malicious purposes, the person can also be called a cracker.
History of Hacking
     During the 1970’s the hackers learned the ways to hack the telephonic system and make phones for free. By the 1980’s, hackers started to migrate to computers. During the 1990’s when the use of internet widespread around the world, hackers multiplied. The first major hacking came in 1971 by Vietnam person named John Draper. He figured out a way to make free phone calls. This was later called “Phreaking”.
            Website hacking is a result from the adoption of web-based technologies for conducting e-business. Whereas web applications allow organizations to connect seamlessly with suppliers and customers, web application vulnerabilities have also exposed a multitude of previously unknown security risks that may open the door to a hacker attack. Hackers attack these vulnerable websites for a number of reasons which can go from stealing sensitive information to SEO purposes.
Email Hacking
Email hacking is illicit access to an email account or email correspondence.
Ways of Email Hacking
*Personal Information
*Social Hacking
*Phishing/Hacking Software

Email may be protected by methods such as a strong password, encryption of the contents or a digital signature.
Password hacking is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system. A common approach is to repeatedly try for the guesses for password.
Network hacking is generally means gathering information about domain by using tools like Telnet, NSlookUP, Ping, Tracert, Netsat, etc. over the network


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